

Kindle: The #1 Bestselling Product on Amazon 



25日のクリスマスに、Kindle Books(電子書籍)が、初めてリアルな書籍の売り上げを抜いた

On Christmas Day, for the First Time Ever, Customers Purchased More Kindle Books Than Physical Books






Amazon.com 2009 Holiday Facts (www.amazon.com only) 2009年の年末商戦期のファクト:

  • Amazon customers purchased enough fruit cake to equal the weight of a 1967 Volkswagen Bug.:1967年製のVolkswagen Bugと同じ重さのフルーツケーキを販売
  • Amazon customers bought enough gingerbread house kits that if stacked on top of each other would be as tall as the Sears Tower.:販売された家庭用ジンジャーブレッド製造機を積み上げると、シアーズタワーと同じ高さになる
  • If all the computers customers purchased this holiday were stacked one on top of the other, they would be more than twice as high as Mt. Everest.:全顧客のPCを積み上げるとエベレストの2倍以上の高さに達する
  • Amazon customers bought over 50 times more Light Therapy devices this holiday season than there are sunny days in Seattle the entire year.:アマゾンの顧客は光療法の製品をホリデーシーズンにシアトルの1年間の晴れの日の50倍以上購入
  • For the holiday time period alone, Amazon customers purchased enough shoot-and-share camcorders to supply 50 years' worth of non-stop YouTube watching.:ホリデーシーズンに購入された小型ビデオカメラだけで、50年分のYoutube映像を提供できる
  • Amazon customers bought enough Levi's jeans to clothe everyone at the opening ceremony of the 2010 Olympics in Vancouver.:売れたLevisのジーンズの数は、2010年バンクーバーオリンピックの開会式の参加者全員分
  • Amazon customers purchased so many Blu-ray disc players that if you lined them up side to side, they would stretch for more than 27 miles.:つなげた場合27マイル以上のブルーレイが販売された。
  • During the 2009 holiday season, Amazon customers bought enough 8 GB iPod touches to play 442 years of continuous music.:8GBのiPodタッチが442年間音楽を再生できるだけ売れた
  • In 2009, Amazon customers purchased enough heart rate monitor watches to put one on the wrist of everyone who finished the New York City marathons in 2008 and 2009.:腕時計式心拍計が2008年、2009年のニューヨークシティマラソンの参加者分売れた
  • Amazon customers purchased enough Frustration-Free Package items to eliminate over 32,000 pounds of frustrating plastic materials, such as plastic clamshells.:3万2千ポンド分のプラスチック包装削減を、フラストレーション・フリー・パッケージで実現
  • The last that was delivered in time for Christmas, was placed on Dec. 23 at 9:17 p.m. Pacific and shipped to Boca Raton, Florida for delivery on Dec. 24. The item was a pair of Yellow Gold 8-8.5mm Freshwater Cultured Pearl Stud Earrings.:クリスマス最後のOne-Day Prime order で売れた商品はイエローゴールドの真珠のイヤリングで、12/23 午後9:17にフロリダのボカ・レイトンに出荷され24日に到着した
  • The last Local Express Delivery order that was delivered in time for Christmas, was placed by a Prime member and went to Seattle. It was a Kindle that was ordered at 1:43 p.m. on Christmas Eve and delivered at 4:57 p.m. that evening.:このクリスマスの最後の特急配送は、シアトルのプライムメンバーによるもので、12/24の午後1:43分に注文され、午後4:57分に到着した「キンドル」

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